Views: 8247 Hits: 1342
Added/Updated: Friday, March 22, 2002
Family Works Otago
social services, counselling, welfare services, community services, buddy programme, YouthGrow, a Presbyterian Support Otago initiative
Views: 18287 Hits: 1162
Added/Updated: Wednesday, November 22, 2006
Views: 8567 Hits: 679
Added/Updated: Friday, March 22, 2002
Presbyterian Church Archives
Official website of the New Zealand Presbyterian Church Archives, including details of holdings and contact information. Information on records held, family research records, academic and student res
Views: 8468 Hits: 899
Added/Updated: Friday, March 22, 2002
The Synod of Otago and Southland
Information on and history of the Presbyterian Church in Otago and Southland including Synod links and information on funding, events calendar, news and views.
Views: 7946 Hits: 611
Added/Updated: Friday, March 22, 2002